Friday, January 26, 2007

Come on up,

With winter sending cold air into the Little Colorado River Valley or LCR where our wonderful cinder cones reside, each day we are blessed with an inversion of freezing still air. This air mass makes for some tough launching and if we fly they are very short flights. This year we've taken to towing and are reaping the reward of high flights & awsome vista's. Being towed thousands of feet into the air and releasing to enjoy our own quality time. Tired of the winter sledder come on out and change your weekend from 10 3 minute flights to 4 or 5 high flights over the painted desert. contact. me to schedule a day of high flights.

Thursday, January 25, 2007

towing & snowing

This has been a busy year for the two bussiness's I have. This year seems to look just as exciting. With my trusty wonderwinch I have been getting students and friends off the ground and on their way. I have opted to stay home this year and miss the first competition of the year in Mexico. Kind of a bummer however it has been snowing and I can go ski. Feb. Looks to be a great month with students booked and the shop (currently under construction) should be complete by then! Here's shot of BJ and Chris flying to the shop after an amazing Merriam session. I'll keep everyone posted when the building is done. Soon we'll have an AZPG HQ!