We have had some luck getting out as of late. I got to share my love of cross country with Chris and Roy on a great flight from Apache Maid. Sorry no camera but the two of them got their first xc which is a pretty magic day in any pilots flying career. I'm sure many more miles will come for the two of them. The Perry brothers have had a busy summer with work and family but both got out recently. Scott got to test his new glider after watching it collect dust all summer while he was on the river. He got after it the last few days like he had never missed a day. Ben, between family, work and the normal life stuff has been getting some flights in and earned a sweet thermal flight today. It was a rowdy climb out together but he hung on nicely to savor the view from a grand over. I top landed and drove down to a huge smile waiting in the lz. Jon has been kiting with every spare moment he can squeeze in and his launches are showing huge success. We have had a super week, getting out three out of four mornings has really helped him get to be a safer pilot. Thanks to our friend Dominic Z. for driving on Tues.
Ben and I climbing out together.
Scott's maiden voyage
Jon kiting