Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Been A While

After battling a broken hand from a boating accident and dealing with the busiest Autumn I have ever had I thought I'd keep Ya'll up to date. The hand was broken on Lake Mead. Scott and I were motoring up lake to surf our kayaks on a new wave that has formed as the lake has dropped. Chilling out in the front of the boat not paying attention I was flung from the boat when Scott swerved to miss a rock. Thank god he saw it or the out come would most likely been worse than a broken hand for both of us.

As you can see the wave was quit large and those that weren't broken had quite a time. Don't worry I'll be back.
The Dixon White Memorial Fly In came and went without a hitch. This was the largest ever. 67 pilots and we flew all three days. I even flew twice even though Laura doesn't approve due to the fact that my hand isn't fully healed. Pell broght his balloon and we had the first balloon launch fron the shop. It was a magic moment for me to watch such an undertaking really happen.

Will Victora has put together a fun video of a couple outings we had last summer.
the link is here.

Sorry I'm not tech savvy enough to make it show up on this page.

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